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The Dashboard is the main landing page within your CompetitionLabs space. The Dashboard consists of 2 main features – quick links to specific pages and the Competition calendar.

Quick bar   /   Competitions Calendar


Dashboard quick bar

The Dashboard quick bar shows how many Competitions are in Ready and Active states, and how many Members you have created in your space. You can also see how many Events have been sent in the past seven days, and the total count of Products you have. The dashboard Quick bar takes you to the following sections:

Competitions   Members   Insights   Products


Competitions calendar

The calendar displays the configured Competitions that are in Ready, Active and Finished states.

READY Competitions to be Started. They can be manually launched or cancelled, some fields can be still edited, and contests that will take place in the competition can be created and edited. A competition in the ready state can always be cloned for future use.

ACTIVE Competitions are Live. Events are being streamed and points are being calculated and displayed in the leaderboard. These competitions can be cancelled, some fields can be still edited, contests can be created, and some contests fields can be edited, as created contests start automatically and function for the duration of the competition container, and can extend the competition end-time. An active competition can always be cloned for future use.

FINISHED Competitions are in Finished state and cannot go back into Ready or Active states.  These competitions can be cancelled. No fields can be edited for finished competitions. A finished competition can always be cloned for future purposes.

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